In the Jewish religion when becoming a “Bar or Bat Mitzvah” you are asked to do a “Mitzvah” project for the Community or the world at large. (The word “Mitzvah” translates to “Good deed” in English. ) Our son Dylan is having his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 6th. He has a passion for tigers so he chose to raise money for the tiger sanctuary at the Wildlife Waystation in Sylmar, California. It is a local organization that rescues tigers and other animals from a variety of difficult situations. All donations will help with preserving the tigers health. Tigers in captivity will live well in to their 20s’ which is over twice as long as those in the wild. The donations will provide food and proper health care. Some information about tigers you might not know. Approximately  97 percent of the world’s tiger population has perished in the past 100 years and according to the latest statistics, there are only 3,890 tigers  left in the world, of which 2,226 are in India. So let’s help Dylan raise some money to help support this worthy cause. Please click the link below to make a donation. 

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